Creating a city where poverty cannot exist is an ambitious goal. But, it's one that Enough for All strives for. 2022 really tested us though. Another year of record inflation and really high food and energy costs, limited rental vacancies and the lack of affordable housing pushed more and more people to desperate situations. We haven't seen the numbers yet, but we know that poverty is increasing in our city.
With all its challenges, 2022 was also a year of renewed connection and along with that, progress. We were out in the community, attending more events and connecting with more people and organizations. Collaborative work in policy spheres led to some significant funding announcements. Whether the changes are long-term remains to be seen, but what we do know is we convened, mobilized and advocated and made some incredible gains.
Systemic change takes time and even though these unprecedented times make progress hard to measure, each gain gets us closer to a city where poverty can't exist. Take a look below at the collective progress we made towards Enough for All in 2022.